0.91-inch OLED Display with Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V Tutorial:

Step 1: Hardware need for this project:

  1.   0.91-inch OLED Display Module
  2. 10 x Jumper wires (Female to Female)
  3.  Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V
  4. USB to TTL Serial adapter (Recommend this adapter “DSD TECH USB to TTL Serial Adapter with FTDI FT232RL Chip Compatible with Windows 10, 8, 7 and Mac OS X”)
0.91-inch OLED Display Module10 x Jumper wires (Female to Female)Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V 8.0MHzUSB to TTL Serial adapter

Step 2: Connect Arduino Pro mini with OLED display by using 4  jumper wires then connect the FTDI adapter.

0.91-inch OLED DisplayArduino pro mini 3.3 V
FTDI:Pro mini:

Step 3: Install these 2 libraries to your Arduino IDE: (The adafruit_SSD1306.h and the adafruit_GFX.h ).

  • Open your Arduino IDE and go to Tools -> Manage Libraries

    The Library Manager window should pop open.
  • On the Library Manager window, type “SSD1306” in the search box, you should see the “adafruit SSD1306” library as shown in the picture below, click “install” to install this library.
  • After installing the Adafruit SSD1306, now type “GFX” in the search box, you should see the “adafruit GFX Library” as shown in the picture below, click “install” to install this library.

Step 4:  After installing these 2 libraries, restart your Arduino IDE.

Step 5: Connect the FTDI to your computer USB port( make sure Step 2 is correct).

Testing the OLED Display

After wiring the OLED display to the Arduino and installing all required libraries, you can use one example from the library to see if everything is working properly.

In your Arduino IDE, go to File -> Examples –Adafruit SSD1306 -> ssd1306_128x32_i2c and select the example for the display you’re using to open the sketch.

Then upload this sketch to your pro mini.

All done! Now you should see a series of different animations in the OLED Display 😊

The End!

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