1. Activity Sheet
- Important: Do not delete any rows from 1-36 as they contain essential table structures (Columns L to Q, Rows 1-36).
Data Clearing Instructions:
- Date Column (A):
- Click on Cell A36 → Press Delete → Press Enter.
- Repeat until all data in the ‘Date’ column are cleared.
- Description Column (C):
- Click on Cell C36 → Press Delete → Press Enter.
- Repeat until all data in the ‘Description’ column are cleared.
- Qty Column (D):
- Click on Cell D36 → Press Delete → Press Enter.
- Repeat until all data in the ‘Qty’ column are cleared.
- Payment Column (E):
- Click on Cell E36 → Press Delete → Press Enter.
- Repeat until all data in the ‘Payment’ column are cleared.
- GST Column (G):
- Click on Cell G36 → Press Delete → Press Enter.
- Repeat until all data in the ‘GST’ column are cleared.
- Ref# and Memo Columns:
- Follow the same process to clear data.
- Account Column:
- Use the drop-down menu to select a blank option (do not delete the menu).
Sheet Updates:
- Unprotect the sheet using the password: plantmate.
- Replace 2024 with 2025 across the workbook.
- Replace 2023 with 2024 (only in the ‘Balance Sheet’).

COG (Cost of Goods) Section:
- Ensure the ‘Activity’ sheet is blank; ‘Not found!’ should appear in Column AM.
- Copy and paste the ‘Raw Material and COG’ sections from the previous year above the ‘Not found!’ row.
- Insert rows if needed, and drag formulas down to ensure calculations extend correctly.
- Copy only the ‘Remain’ values where they are not zero.
- Verify totals match the previous fiscal year.

PARTS Section:
- Ensure the ‘Parts’ section contains 25 rows.
- Copy and paste data from the previous year.
- Update ‘Unit Remain’ to ‘Qty’.
- Drag formulas to restore calculations in ‘Unit Remain’ and ‘Remain’ columns.

IN Schedule:
- Clear red-boxed data and formulas.
- Copy previous year data into the new sheet.
- Replace ‘QtyIn’ data with ‘Available’ data from the old sheet.
- Validate all formulas.

OUT Schedule:
- Delete data from ‘Date M/D/Y’, ‘Product ID’, and ‘QtyOut’.
- Ensure the section remains blank.
Fixed Assets and Goods in Process:
- Ensure these sections remain blank.
3. Balance Sheet
- Copy ‘Total Equity (Retained Earnings – End)’ from the old sheet to ‘Retained Earnings/Deficit – Start’ on the new sheet.
- Copy ‘Closing Inventory’ to ‘Opening Inventory’.
- Update asset names and calculate values where applicable.
- Copy CRA Remittance Payable, GST Payable, PST Payable if their values are not zero.
4. Final Steps
- Protect all sheets using the password: plantmate.
Testing the Workbook:
- Move items across COG → PARTS → PROCESS → IN → OUT.
- Test an entry on the ‘Activity’ sheet and verify it appears in relevant sections:
- INVENTORY/Fixed Assets Purchase This Year
- Depreciation Sheet
- Revenues Sheet
- Expenses Sheet
Formulas Check:
- Update formulas in ‘Revenues’ and ‘Expenses’ sheets to reflect the new year.
- Ensure formulas in ‘INVENTORY’ are extended correctly after manual adjustments.
Date Format Standard:
- Use mm/dd/yy (e.g., 1/1/2004) instead of 01/01/2004.
End of Guide