Monthly Archives: December 2021

How to use the ‘Plantmate DC 5V to 3.3V, 5V, 6.6-12.6V converter & Water Comparator Module’ to control the ‘Plantmate DC 6.6V Mini Water Pump with Water Sensor Plate’ with an Arduino UNO board.

In this project, we show how to use the ‘Plantmate DC 5V to 3.3V, 5V, 6.6-12.6V converter & Water Comparator Module’ to control the ‘Plantmate DC 6.6V Mini Water Pump with Water Sensor Plate’ with an Arduino UNO board. What’s the goal of this project? We are going to use this module to stop the […]

How to use the’ Plantmate DC 5V to DC 12.6V Converter & Water Comparator Module’ to control a DC 12V water pump

In this project, we show how to use the ‘Plantmate DC 5V to 3.3V, 5V, 6.6-12.6V converter & Water Comparator Module’ to control a DC 12V water pump’s speed and ON/OFF with an Arduino UNO board. Hardware: Plantmate DC 5V to 3.3V, 5V, 6.6-12.6V converter & Water Comparator Module’ 12V DC water pump Jumper wires […]

DIY water sensor probes for Plantmate DC 5V to 3.3V 5V 6.6-12.6V Converter & Water Comparator Module

This is a simple method to DIY water sensor probes for the Plantmate DC Converter & Water Comparator Module. Material: Copper Foil  A piece of discarded credit card size plastic Wires Mini USB male connector (it comes with the Module) 3/16” Copper Foil Discarded gift card 2 conductor wires Mini USB male connector Tools: Scissor […]